We are all familiar with the Black Friday scene: tens to hundreds of people lined up in the freezing cold just before midnight to get into a large chain store, only to get trampled when the doors finally open. Anything for that $100 flat screen!
Are you in Engineering or Marketing?
How well do you know your product? Can you describe in perfect technical detail the full operation of your product, and can you provide the complete history of both your company and your product? Could you write the definitive book regarding every small change that has occurred over the lifespan of your company or product? [ … ]
Can you really fix my problem at a lower cost?
Our answer is yes. Over the course of the past 50 years, the advertising industry has transformed to encompass all new media that fall under the advertising umbrella. If you recently haven’t reviewed your marketing strategies and costs when working with an agency, you should. You might be losing a fortune. I read an article [ … ]
Defining Customer Expectations
There are certain phrases that are overused all of the time. I remember sitting in a meeting, getting ready to hear about innovative, out-of-the-box ways to exceed customer expectations, and I waited to see what it is, with almost baited breath. The answer? A coupon. OH MY! Yup, you blew away the customer with that! [ … ]
The Spice(s) of Life
I recently started a new exercise regime, along with a new diet. Have you read some of the diets that are out there right now? I came across one that is based on chocolate cake! It begins with what they called “Prep Week”, and all you eat, for a straight week, is chocolate cake. Then [ … ]
You Don't Sell In a Vacuum
The title is obvious, right? You don’t sell in a vacuum. You have to pay attention to what your customers want, what’s going on in society right now, and what the trends are. Of course you must pay attention to seasonal changes, holiday schedules, and change accordingly. You must watch your competition, and make sure [ … ]
You Don’t Sell In a Vacuum
The title is obvious, right? You don’t sell in a vacuum. You have to pay attention to what your customers want, what’s going on in society right now, and what the trends are. Of course you must pay attention to seasonal changes, holiday schedules, and change accordingly. You must watch your competition, and make sure [ … ]