Whether you’re offering a deal or spreading the news about your latest product, there are countless reasons to master the art of the promotional email. But while promotional emails offer a low-cost and efficient way to communicate with consumers, they can be tricky. Given the amount of emails many individuals receive each day – especially [ … ]
Designing for a World Gone Mobile
By Michael Kilmer With the recent influx of smartphone users, questions arise regarding how to design a website for all browsers. Do you design it as “flexible” so that it can fit on any screen? Do you develop a specific version for mobile phones? What about tablets? The answer may not be quite as cut [ … ]
Mastering Mastheads
When you plug in a URL and find yourself on a website, you might not know that the creative feature typically found at the top of the page is called a masthead. The masthead has a pretty big job in that it not only has to catch the visitor’s attention, but also relay important information [ … ]
The Confusing World of Web Terminology: A Writer’s Perspective
Written by Erika Scopino As a writer and editor, it’s my job to know all the rules of the written word. Unfortunately for me (and my sanity), the rules are always changing. One the most wearisome battles I face on a regular basis concerns the World Wide Web. The dilemma? Nope, not citation. Try capitalization. [ … ]
Flapping in the Wind: Pointless Banners
I was surfing through some different news blogs, and noticed some of the banner ads. Obviously, I’m a little biased about the quality of ads; although none of them were as bad looking as the design above, there were some that came close. What made many of these worse was where they pointed to, if [ … ]
True Mobile Site Versus a Mobile Face-lift
I read a lot of marketing blogs, and recently, I’ve noticed a huge increase in something we’ve been talking about for awhile: Mobile Websites. All the stats point to people accessing websites on mobile more often than on desktops by 2013, and so the race is on to get your site redone. The research I’ve [ … ]