Call us egotistical, but we copywriters we like to think of ourselves as artists. As we weave words together to put products, companies and brands in the best light, we’re also hoping to entertain and inform along the way. It’s a challenge we relish. We love that moment when our words sound JUST RIGHT. And [ … ]
Search Engine Optimization: The Key To A Successful Website
For businesses that depend on the internet for traffic and sales, nothing is more critical than optimizing the company website for search engines. These search engines are essentially organic (free) listings that play a large role in whether one’s website, and therefore one’s business, stays profitable in the beginning stages. The two most important factors [ … ]
Website Design Trends Change. Are You Trendy?
If you are currently in the market for a new website, you should be familiar with the term “Responsive Design”. If you’re in the market for a new website, and you aren’t familiar with this term, stop reading this blog and call us right now. Not all sites need to be designed in a responsive [ … ]