“We’re committed to excellence.” Everyone from an airline company to a baby food company has used that phrase in their ads. But what exactly does it mean? Nothing, to be precise. Catch phrases and buzz words like “unique,” “innovators” and let’s not forget “state of the art,” are so overused in marketing and advertising that [ … ]
Emotional Advertising
Ever driven by a billboard that made you smile for the rest of the day? Or watched a television commercial that nearly brought you to tears? Chances are you’re thinking about one now as you’re reading this. (And we don’t even mean the ones with Sarah McLachlan and the saddest animals you’ve ever seen in [ … ]
Thinking Long Term and Seasonally
As the seasons change, so do consumer needs and attitudes While the reasons for thinking long term when it comes to advertising are many – agencies and clients need time for strategizing, creating, purchasing time slots, etc. – the bottom line is that companies that keep the seasonal ebbs and flows of consumer needs and attitudes in [ … ]
Formulaic Advertising
Think back to the last perfume ad you saw. It probably went very much like this: A beautiful woman in a glamorous gown floats down a palatial stairway. Cut to a scene of a gothic masquerade party. Everyone is dancing when this young beautiful thing glides into the party and all eyes on her. Close [ … ]
3 Ways to Create Engaging Newsletter Content
If you enjoy leisurely reading, you probably know what you like. From Pride and Prejudice to Vogue, Mark Twain to Men’s Health, there’s usually a specific genre, author or type of publication you can count on enjoying. So when your company sends out a newsletter, is it intriguing enough for readers – who may also be creatures of [ … ]
PR Perfection: Rolling up your Sleeves for Nonprofits
When businesses partner with a local nonprofit organization, it may be because the owner or employees have some sort of special connection to the cause. But let’s not be naïve, ladies and gentleman – many companies are taking advantage of a great PR opportunity by positioning their brand with efforts that warm our hearts. Regardless [ … ]
Words that Sell – and Repel
When you hear the word “cheap” associated with a product or service, is your reaction a)”Wow, this must be a good deal!” or b)”Wow, this must be a piece of junk!”? When you hear the word “economical,” is your reaction one of the aforementioned options? Or perhaps something not so…definitive? Throughout advertising history, words like [ … ]
Cereal Aisle Verdict: My Eyes Are Spoiled Rotten
By Erika Scopino The other day I was at the grocery store having my usual cereal aisle dilemma. I’m not picky about my cereal and certainly wouldn’t call myself brand loyal. What I buy typically depends on whether a) I’m trying to eat healthy or b) something’s on sale. Often, the latter wins out. With [ … ]
Social Media Sparks A New Style Of Consumer Testimonials
Many of us use Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels to share our life experiences with our friends and followers. And since nothing is certain but death, taxes and the occasional bad customer service encounter, these channels are often a place for consumers to vent. Like an army of voices, we “like” and comment [ … ]
What Makes A Great Slogan
A slogan is a company’s clever little way of getting into your head – and potentially staying there. And although brief, good slogans manage to convey a hefty amount of valuable information. Whether at the end of a radio spot or at the bottom of a print ad, a company’s slogan can make or break [ … ]
The Confusing World of Web Terminology: A Writer’s Perspective
Written by Erika Scopino As a writer and editor, it’s my job to know all the rules of the written word. Unfortunately for me (and my sanity), the rules are always changing. One the most wearisome battles I face on a regular basis concerns the World Wide Web. The dilemma? Nope, not citation. Try capitalization. [ … ]
CRM/Marketing Automation vs Traditional Marketing
CRM. Marketing Automation. Campaigns. Analytics. Integrated. Innovative. There, did I drop enough buzzwords on you at once? For those wondering what I’m talking about, I’m talking about keeping track of your customers, and setting up marketing items that target your leads at specific timed intervals and after customer initiated events. In other words,this is [ … ]
How’s your newsletter?
One aspect of marketing that has become more popular is either an email or printed newsletter, that is published monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or annually. The goals of a newsletter are pretty straight forward: Create customer retention and brand loyalty. Demonstrate your expertise in the field, and “lightly” educate your customers. Keep your company profile in [ … ]
How's your newsletter?
One aspect of marketing that has become more popular is either an email or printed newsletter, that is published monthly, bimonthly, quarterly, or annually. The goals of a newsletter are pretty straight forward: Create customer retention and brand loyalty. Demonstrate your expertise in the field, and “lightly” educate your customers. Keep your company profile in [ … ]