Typically, this blog focuses on solid marketing and advertising advice, as well as technology to do both better. However, this Post Fourth of July, if you need to ease your way back into work a little slower, we understand, and want to offer a suggestion as to how. Everyone needs a break once in a [ … ]
Google Plus: Solution to Online Privacy Issues?
Word on the street is that Google Plus is looking pretty good. As great as it looks, many are expecting the Circles feature to be what truly differentiates Google Plus from its main competitor. While Facebook continues to revamp its privacy options, there are still the countless stories out there having to do with people [ … ]
A Shift in Your Vision: Banner Ads
Is any marketing safe? Not a day goes by that we don’t read stories of television ads losing viewers because of DVRs, mobile devices (tablets, smart phones, etc.), and people watching video online. There are stories of how no one reads print anymore, and that print ads are going away. The latest news is that [ … ]
Spreading your knowledge to the world, 500 words at a time.
The values of running a blog aside your traditional website have been touted several times, in countless articles for years. Most of the articles I have read go over the same common facts: Blogs increase SEO to your website, as long as it is set up correctly. Blogs enable your company to provide anecdotal summaries [ … ]
A Flash Sale, the Catalyst for Small Business Increases.
Amazingly, there is not one Wikipedia entry on this term yet, although there are several entries that do mention it. For those who aren’t comfortable with the term, it means a huge sale for a very short time on a particular item. Sites like Woot.com, DailySteals.com, and etc. work on the idea of a flash [ … ]
Building Custom Pages on Facebook.
This box is probably not your friend. You go and spend the time conceptualizing the ultimate page to run on your Facebook page, that will completely captivate your audience. You spent time reading about FBML, and how it differs from HTML. You went and tried to create a static page, that would enable you to [ … ]
Thursday June 2nd. Social Media and E-Marketing Summit!
We typically don’t use this blog to promote things. It’s bad form. So, please forgive us for it this one time. On Thursday, June 2nd, there is a Social Media and E- Marketing Summit occurring in Marlboro, MA. We don’t feel bad promoting this one event on our blog, because it goes so hand in [ … ]
9 Steps to Smart(phone)er Email Marketing.
According to the latest comScore survey, around 20% of users are reading their email on their Smartphones. If your target market is the professional business user or the youth market, the numbers are skewed higher. Email marketing to this demographic requires additional thought. Follow these 9 steps, and your email has a much better chance [ … ]
The biggest lie in marketing: Social Media is Free
There have been diagrams and blogs written that chart the actual costs required to have an effective social media program in place, and yet I still hear businesses all the time say, “Social media is free! Facebook is free, Twitter is free, yay! We don’t need to spend money on stuff that’s free!” I’m going [ … ]
Is your “Social Media Policy” Killing your Social Media?
A local business that I know of has more than 300 employees. They’ve had a Facebook page since around mid February. How many followers do you think they have? Answer: 41. I want you to think about that for a minute. Percentage wise, that means around 13% of their employees are fans of their own [ … ]
Timing is Everything: When to Launch Your Email Campaign
The day and time you decide to launch your campaign can have an impact on the overall results of your email campaign. This detail may not be as important as the audience you select, the subject line, or the list you are using, but it is a factor. But if you are working to get [ … ]
Checklist: Your First Email Campaign
Decide how many lists you want. For example, you might want a “News- letters” list, but also a separate “Press & Media Relations” list. Some people set up “Weekly Specials” lists and “Internal Employee Newsletter” lists. The basic idea is that you don’t want to send your weekly specials to someone on your list who [ … ]
Jumping without a parachute.
Let’s have some fun today. This blog is concerned with the distinct stages of events. For example, we’ll use: Skydiving. Planning stage: Before you jump, make sure you know how to pull the release, and the secondary release. Make sure you have a parachute strapped to your back. Make sure you know the correct way [ … ]
Announcing Your Presence to the World
We spend a lot of time on this blog talking about marketing strategies. Many of these are in relation to technology, like QR codes. We’ve discussed different social media tools that businesses should use to forward their brand awareness and increase customer loyalty. Texting, web design, and branding are all popular themes on this site. [ … ]
5 Things You Must Remain Vigilant About, Or Your Website Will Seem Outdated.
You only get a few moments to make a good impression. When a potential customer visits your website, the usability is important, or they will leave and find a better website. On top of this, many users will be turned off by how outdated your site seems. No one visits a website, and says, “Oh, they must [ … ]
Web Design For Small Business 101
Looking to finally start a website for your company? Congratulations! There are a couple of things you’ll want to consider before putting any real effort into design or implementation. 1. Get your domain. The absolute worst thing that can happen to a company is to get the creative juices flowing before getting the name of [ … ]
Text “WHATSTHIS” to 999999 to win SMS Short Code Marketing!
Chances are, you’ve seen something similar to that at one point or another. The one that I most often see is a company selling ringtones via this method. I know of at least one radio station that uses this method to communicate with fans on their morning show. So, what is it, and how can [ … ]
Reaction to: Most Marketers Plan to Increase Social Media Spend This Year [STUDY] on Mashable.
http://mashable.com/2011/04/19/marketers-social-media-spend/ According to an article published today in Mashable, 70% of marketers plan to increase their social media budget by more than 10% this year. The primary goal of increasing this budget is to increase Facebook “likes”. Ugh. Here we go again. Let’s pretend you create a new Facebook page, and you aggressively market using [ … ]
What Is Your Company Goal with Facebook?
The most common answer to the question “Why get involved with Facebook?” is simply “To engage our customers.” However, what does this mean? Many cannot explain it. Some will mumble about “Brand messaging” or “Creating personality”. Others may have a stock sentence prepared, something along the lines of “To dynamically create a dialogue between the [ … ]
Davis Advertising Purchases Grafton Street Property
Davis Advertising has purchased the property at 1331 Grafton Street which will become the new home of one the fastest growing agencies in New England. The 14,000 square-foot building will be completely renovated over the next six months. Once completed, the interior of the building will include a reception area, offices, a state-of-the-art photo studio, [ … ]