There are over 80 million people accessing the Web via their Smartphones. That audience is WAY too large to ignore.
Smartphones outsell PC’s. That was true at the end of last year. The gap between the two platforms is only going to grow.
Mobile Web sites reach all audiences, while apps do not. Sure, the idea of having a shiny new app is all sorts of exciting. But, focus your efforts on cleaning up your mobile Web presence first.
Most Web sites mobile traffic grew by more than 50% this year. More Smartphones means more traffic. Mobile Web use more than doubled in 2010, and there’s no reason to think the increase won’t be even greater in 2011.
In 3 years, more people will access the Internet via their Smartphone, than they do through a desktop. Over 80 million users and counting!
Desktop sites are sometimes difficult, and often impossible to use on a mobile device. Pinching to zoom in on desktop sites stinks. Mobile browsing is all about offering up a quick loading and easy-to-use experience.
43 Million people check email from their mobile phone daily. When your customers click on a link to your website from a mobile e-mail client, it should be visible, accessible, and optimized for mobile.
Your competitors have a mobile web site. And you don’t. I hope I didn’t scare you.
Reach your audience on the go. Good customer service means being there to assist them at all times. If you don’t have a mobile website, you aren’t truly there for them at all times.